“Here A Yam, There A Yam, Everywhere a Yam Yam” is our theme for 2024!
We hope y’all will join us in October as we celebrate our yamtastic SweetPotato crop. Make plans to be in Tabor City on Yam Fest Saturday, October 26th!
More information to come on the 2024 festival!

The NC Yam Festival is a great source of community pride. From 1947 to 1961, our small town played host to one of North Carolina’s largest festivals. Resurrected again in 1985 through a grant from the state, the Yam Festival gives young and old alike a reason to put on a Yam Man t-shirt, decorate their homes and businesses and show up for the most anticipated event of the year!!
The NC Yam Festival welcomes visitors from all around with true southern hospitality throughout the week leading up to the Festival. Events like a Scholarship Pageant, Sweet Potato Cook-Off, Paint A Yam Man Class, Art & Photography Show, and the Taste of Tabor, offers something for everyone in the family to enjoy!
Saturday is the BIG FESTIVAL DAY! Shopping for a special gift? We have vendors for that! If you’re hungry, there are all kinds of scrumptious foods to be found! Stop by the Classic Car Show to find your favorite classic car, truck, motorcycle or tractor! You’ll find your Sweet Potato goods on Yam Row. Our FREE KidZone is always a huge crowd pleaser! Be sure to find yourself a good seat at the Todd House Wedding & Event Center Stage for live entertainment! We also have a stage of gospel music for you to enjoy! A new favorite event is the Mascot Race! When things wind down in town, go on out to South Columbus High School and hear the high school bands play as they compete in the Stallion Classic. There will be loads of fun to be found throughout the day!!!
The NC Yam Festival proudly celebrates its Sweet Potatoes. We know we actually don’t grow Yams in the United States, BUT the NC Yam Festival, as we know it today, began over 75 years ago as “Tater Days”, then it was called the “Carolina Yam Festival”. This portion of our heritage and agricultural history still remains a beloved part of Tabor City. Our residents are proud of the preservation of this tradition, so “North Carolina Yam Festival” are we!
Just come celebrate with us, we know you’ll have a “Yam Good Time!”